Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Roller Coaster.....

....and more. That how its been over the last six months or so,,, i think i have matured too another level of my journey of life ,,,, coool!! finally all the xams are over, admissions almost done, the bygones are coming back and the present is fast becoming another closed chapter of the didactic part of life.

ive begun to think y a online blog seems to b fast becomin a diary of sorts!! no way people ,,, its now going to be an opinion center,,, atleast thats wat i thout i was starting it with,,,,

roller coaster turns ur guts inside out and sometimes gets u to rock botton then u surge back with a scream and a realization that some part of you that u didnt wanna let go off ,,, force of inertia is breached and now i feel lighter and have no clue if its scrapping the romance out of life or is it just showing me the true face of life,,,, i have two options here ,,,,,acceptance and advancement or denial and survival!!!

I love life :-)