Sunday, July 02, 2006

(Fe)male chuavanism!!

Its hardly apt to draw in a feministic attack on the beliefs of a religion that personifies equality of sexes and goes even further to dismiss the "original sin" sexist outlook of the barbaric yet acceptable and effective religious entities.
The accusation of gender bias does not arise because the religion or the diety in question has never rejected or differentiated between subjects from visiting his temple. The Ayyapa Swami temple in only a phase in the mythological life of an unbiased lord. It is a phase of celibacy where in the lord is believed to have bequeathed matrimonial ties. Im sure whithin the framework of our constitution it is acceptable for people to have faith and practice it unaffected by the prejudices of a third person ideology. I hope desparate attempts at assasination of the undisputed and untarnished image of a unbiased religion should be rejected and the chauvinistic views may be critically analysed.

The so called constitutional guardians and womens rights acftvists claim that the mandir trust is supported by public funds and therefore answerable if not governed by the laws of gender parity. What they do not mention is the flip side of the coin. The state is away from religion. The state has the option to financially support or aid the religious organisations based on their general acceptance in the public that the state serves. The state does not intend to govern the beliefs and ideologies of any religious entities. What also cannot be left out is the question thats most likely to pop out of common thinking. Why is there so much hooplah when the state practically lets looose ideologically biased religious entities that refuse to provide basic day to day civil rights equally to men and women in the society. Where are these so called constitution guardians when the spirit of the constitution is raped under a systematic state supported religious ideology. Why is that the vote bank politics overtakes constitutional and legal standpoints then. The state continues to support other religious entities financially and also gives them the right to deny their followers basic civil rights of daily survival that have no bearing on their religious faith.

That is a question and a grave concern that the 2020 Indian image will have to tackle before talking about true nationalist and futuristic development. This is what will define the motivation and unity of the hundrends of thousands of young Indians to strive and fight for a new happy and united India.


Blogger An Image said...

hey nice blog!!!..thnx for going thru mine and speaking ur mind on my writings...

7:00 PM  
Blogger SSK said...

Cool. Wholeheartedly support you on this.

1:01 AM  

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