Friday, June 16, 2006

UN security council

India's bid for a seat in the security council seems to be an issue contentious and legitimate,,,,the global community has more than a sincere outlook towards the fast growing fine tuned mamoth democratic machinery which accounts for 1/5th of the world's population,,,, in a global community governed by economics of power, the legitimacy of the claim is profounded by the stability and staunchly peace loving history of our nation,,,, its just a matter of time before India becomes a key player in the multipolar global scene to come


Blogger in2mind said...

Yes,It'd make India proud.
But Subramanya Swamy has made a point - cant say how valid - that , If Mr.Shashi is elected ,he'd be bending hard to show his neutrality[i.e not favouring India] & therefore nothing gets done for India.Swamy suggested that instead,someone from another country like Singapore becomes the secretary.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Perennial Oxymoron said...

well i guess the two issues can be addressed independently,,,, i dont think one would be affected by the other

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ture enuff ! the mammoth needs the demanded acclaimation...... now or later !

11:04 AM  
Blogger Ashish Waghray said...

Why should there be a securityy council in first place? why do some 5 or six nations get to veto a desicion made by over 170 countires? i do not think it is democratic in any sense... UN was founded to establish a new order of colonialism... where the european countries realized that they coud no more control the major third world countires with force, so they formed a more subtle and infact perpetual way of controlling the resources of third world - economic plicies and reforms imposed through United Nations to ensure the control continues...

i do not want India to be a part of this imperial system, and practically it is not about populaton or demographics, it is about how much we are willing to open/sell our markets to european/american pharmaceutical, biotech, and infrastructure corporations.

12:08 AM  

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